Barack Obama has a new threat to deal with, and it comes in the form of Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie isn't happy with the state of politics today … and that includes President Barack Obama.
According to US Magazine a source close to Jolie says when asked about Obama she said she "hates him". The source goes on further to say "She's into education and rehabilitation and thinks Obama is all about welfare and handouts. She thinks Obama is really a socialist in disguise". Should we expect to see Jolie rallying against Democrats like her Father Jon Voight? It's not likely. "Angie isn't Republican, but she thinks Obama is all smoke and mirrors," the source says.
Brad Pitt is a huge fan of Obama and the political differences between Pitt and Jolie causes a lot of friction in the household. "They get into nasty arguments all the time about it," the source says. "She doesn't respect Brad when it comes to politics, but, in the end, this won't tear them apart."
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